This is a blog to help ESL teachers in South Korea (or any other country) implement Classcraft into their classroom. Classcraft is an amazing tool to help gamify the classroom and making learning an adventure. It's a framework to both motivate and discipline students to do well in their studies. And best of all, it can be added to any curriculum with little effort and sacrifice.
My name is Ronald Lethcoe and I am a teacher at a public elementary school in Seoul, South Korea. I've been interested in Gamification since I read Steve Kamb's article, 10 Ways to Gamify You Life. from his blog Nerd Fitness back in 2012. I was trying to find the best way to motivate my students when I stumbled upon Classcraft.
The interface is easy enough, and the website has tons of support videos, but I thought I'd offer up some tips on how to get it running smoothly in a country where the student's native language isn't English and most are too young to know how to use a computer. There have been some obstacles I've faced I want to help you overcome these quicker and more effectively than I was able to.
If your an ESL teacher anywhere (but especially South Korea) that's teaching kids, from Elementary to High School, and you have a computer in your class, I would recomend checking out Classcraft and following this blog to help you create the funnest and most enjoyable class for your students.