Once you have your classes set up, it's time to add your students, or your players. First thing I would recommend is splitting your class into teams. How you split your teams is up to you put here are some tips from someone who has teams class
- I've tried 4 teams and it's too fragmented. It's more work than it's worth to keep track of all the teams and random selection becomes a pain.
- I've tried 3 and there is always one team ganging up on another.
- I've found that 2 teams is simplest and should be easy to divide the room.
- Students may love to be divided by boys and girls, but this ALWAYS causes problems.
- Make sure to switch up the teams every month. This keeps the students from becoming too complacent with their team members.
For the password, you can make it whatever you want, but make sure you keep the file or paper that has the password on it in case the student forgets. When it's time to give them all of their information (after a couple of months) then I'll tell you the best way to have them keep track of their password.
It should be noted here that no matter how convenient it is to make easy passwords for the kids to remember, make sure you don't follow the same pattern for each student. I had all my user names as 'class.name' and the passwords as 'name.class'. In everyone of my classes, some students went in to another students character and changed some stuff around. We don't have to worry about that now, but in order to prevent problems in the future, don't follow the same password pattern.
You'll notice I wrote for the boys to be warriors and the girls to be healers. There is a mage class, but in order to keep it as simple as possible for the first couple months, just stick to the 2. Boys like looking strong and I've been told the healer looks the prettiest by my students. They will have the opportunity to change after a couple of months.
Now that we have the naming convention down, it's time to do the whole class. Classcraft implements an import feature which makes it so convenient to add all your students in one fell swoop. Click the import bottom on the right hand side of the add students screen.
Download the template with username and passwords and fill it out using the same convention we talked about above.
This is in Excel |
Once you have all your students in, copy and paste back into the import page on Classcraft
Click the green check and you're almost done. The last thing to do is to change the class and gender. You can try the mage out and different skin tones, but I'm going to stick to simple:
Keep it simple. You can always change it later. |
Once they've all been imported, we're almost done. We just need to add the players to a team. You can do that on the team option on the side. Here are my students on each of their teams.
Classcraft has some pretty good selections for their emblems and backgrounds. You can customize all of that to your liking. And that's pretty much it for adding students.
If you have any tips of your own regarding naming conventions and teams, leave a comment below.
TLDR: 2 teams, girls as healers, boys as warriors, make sure to import, easy usernames, hard passwords
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